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CMCA operates the residential Training Centre “Mision Verdad Y Vida” in Trujillo, Honduras. Girls ages 12-19 from surrounding villages, unable to attend normal school system - travel to Trujillo and live in the centre where they are provided educational classes from Monday to Friday in variety of disciplines (Cooking, sewing, computer, English, Bible Study, women’s health issues, physical fitness) with all meals, accommodation and normal care provided. The program allows the girls to return home for the weekends with families. The two-year program provides the girls with government recognized certificates. For those who qualify to further their education beyond the 2-year program, scholarship support is extended to assist in training within the community - where without this financial support and oversight, the girls would not be able to attend.


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whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23

Our Mission

In 2002, God led us to open a Ministry Training Center in the city of Trujillo, Honduras. Here we are training teenage girls from surrounding villages, in Christian Education, teaching them to reach boys and girls for Christ and to help in their local churches. We are also training them in skills which will help to improve their standards of living, such as sewing, cooking, childcare, and hygiene. Our goal is not to change their culture, but to give them the tools to better care for themselves. They live in the Center from Monday to Friday for eight months and are encouraged to use the skills they are learning, in their homes and local churches, on the weekends. They alternate between spending one week in the Center in classes and the next in the villages teaching children in Kid’s Clubs. Because these girls are from poor homes, they would otherwise not be able to extend their education beyond grade 6. At graduation, we like to supply each graduate with her own sewing machine and sewing supplies to take to her home so that she will have the resources necessary to give her a source of income.

Our Mission


Outreach is an important part of the training these girls receive. Whether it be to the youth group in our local church or to the hundreds of children, youth and adults in the surrounding villages they are taught.

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